Airline Charter Prime Servis makes arrangements for Commercial Airliner aircrafts on Full Charter, Wet Lease or ACMI Lease bases. Prime Servis full charter operations are; if you have a group of people that you want to transfer form one location to another. The price is given all inclusive (fuel, catering, passenger fees, airport taxes, etc.). ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance); is common practice when an airline experiences operational shortage that requires one or more aircrafts on a certain period of time. It is a fast way for back up to its operation. On our portfolio we have B737-800/400 (where they carry 189/168 Pax) and A320/321 (where they carry 180/202 Pax) aircrafts where all meets EASA EU/OPS-1 requiments. Prime Servis Aviation assure to have operational excellence and flexibility led to the most diverse missions, in Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Middle Asia. Please contact us for the availability of the aircrafts.